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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fishing KK 2011

After more than 1 year of waiting, we will depart KLIA for KKIA this Thursday morning for a 3D/2N fishing on the 7 Star vessel. this time round, there will only be 7 of us since there were 2 rather last minute pull out due to unavoidable circumstances.

We are hopefully better prepared this time round and the wish and aim is to do battle with the monsters of the deep, although there are more who secretly harbor desires of table sizes more than the monsters.

As usual, we are armed to the teeth; this time round we have pooled our rods inside a rod holder to lessen check in weights so that we can carry more fish back to KL.

We shall see....


My mother in law passed away on the 20th April 2011, after a long and courageous battle against cancer.

She first encountered cancer in 1988/89, and has a masectomy and chemotherapy. She recovered and went on for another 20+ productive years.

She may have lost the physical battle against cancer, but I believed she has won her spiritual battle.

May she rest in peace.