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Thursday, June 28, 2007


The correct pronounciation is 'ver-tie-go' and not 'ver-tea-go' as what most people would.

The better half was not so well last two days, and finally got her to see the specialist that she consulted a few years ago.

Conclusion for now is to take some medication and come back next week.

Meantime, did some search of this medical problem and read some articles.

From the Neurologychannel.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

St James School Kudat Sabah

Primary 6 for me was in the year 1976, a very long time ago.....

Last weekend, a group of ex students from St James Kudat organised a rather huge event, that is, to have at the same time, as many ex students as possible. The time taken to organise this must have started some 5-6 months ago, culminating with a grand dinner for about 400 ex students, in total.

The oldest primary 6 student who came was from year 1951!! A rather amazing long time ago. However, the 'newest' ex student was from year 1982. Look as though the younger ex student dont care much for history.??

The event was attended by the ex Chief Minister of Sabah as well, Tan Sri Chong KK, ex student of year 1963. It would seem, there was also another ex Chief Minister from this school, the late Tun Mustapha, who was the chief minister of Sabah for quite a few years as well as being the Governor of Sabah.

The event was also to recognise my dad, who was the principal of the school for almost 17 years and who happened to be the principal for Tan Sri Chong as well.

In all, an event not easily forgotten, and certainly a job well done by the committee.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

From Wikipedia

A demonstration of the lilac chaser optical illusion, also known as the Pac-Man illusion. When one stares at the cross in the center of the image for 10–20 seconds, two effects will appear in order: One, the moving empty space between dots will appear as a green dot. Two, the moving green dot will appear to wipe out the purple dots, until only the green dot is visible. A separate effect appears if the eyes move away from the center, showing a ring of green dots.

Image credit: Jeremy.Hinto

JPJ, the epitome of Inefficiency

I seem to have quite a bit of dealing with JPJ this past two months..

First is to have a used CBU registered. The vehicle, a station wagon is listed as an Estate (the European term for station wagon). The people at JPJ does not seem to know that the two descriptions refer to the same type of vehicle. The dealer which sold the car has been trying to get the car registered for more than 6 weeks now. As of today, there is still no news. Apparently, the car has to be driven from Bangsar to Putrajaya for them to see, and then, they will decide whether there is some more documents required. For crying out loud, the car is already in the country, duty probably all paid.. what more is needed??

The second dealing with them is to get my wife's car ownership claim by the finance company canceled. The car loan is fully paid up, and the bank has already issued the release letter. In order to get the finance company's claim canceled, a 4 pages form has to be submitted, a declaration signed in front of a Commissioner of Oath, copy of IC, original release letter from the bank, and then submit the documents to JPJ. And, get this, it will take 3 working days to canceled the bank's claim. 3 days!!!

The JPJ Mission, as stated in their portal, is that 'change of ownership for individual will be done in 1 day'. Obviously, this is NOT happening at all.....

Is Malaysia heading towards nothing else but red tape for every single transaction? Is every single activity regulated by laws and procedures such that the individual civil servant is no longer required to spend an iota of energy to think? And they had a huge pay raise....


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

DIY rod holder

One of the very tiring but unfortunately indispensable 'work' during deep sea fish is the need to hold on and hang on to your fishing rod all the time. When the bottom is 100m+ down and coupled with a dead weight of about 1kg, if the fishing gear was to be pulled in by a fish, there is little chance of retrieving the equipment again, ever.

So, it is vital to have a small cord tied to the fishing reel which is in turn tied to some fixed structure of the boat.

The other important thing to have is a rod holder, so that both hands are free to do other more vital things like reeling in the line and 'pumping' the rod to fight the fish. The holder basically will make life easier for fishing.

Saw this equipment used at Tawau, and have been thinking of getting my staff to make this...but would this be considered abuse of authority since it will be for personal use???

Monday, June 11, 2007

Right Hand Drive Round About

Saw this on Wikipedia and thought i want to try to upload to see if the animation will work...


My car mileage reached the magical once in a life time number of 123456 on Saturday afternoon. I was waiting for this to happen since i noticed the number creeping closer to this figure.

The event took place in front of La Salle School Petaling Jaya. I actually pulled the car to the side and took a picture of the number.

And, I am still waiting for my new vehicle......

Friday, June 08, 2007

CPK (creatine phosphokinase )

I have been doing regular checks on my cholesterol levels, and yesterday was one of those days. My cholesterol level is under control, however, the blood test indicated a rather high level of creatine phosphokinase, CPK.

I did some checks to find out what this is, and found some reference.

From here, and

The doctor said no need to be alarm for now, but to come back in about a month's time for another check.

I have been having this rather persistent pain in my right arm, which i think, is due to the way i sit at my table in front of the computer.

I think all i need is to go fishing more often...