This trip was originally planned to happen way back in April 2009. Those dates didnt happen because the boatman fell sick..down with malaria. The it was supposed to have been in July, again it did not happen because the boat was not ready..engine under overhauling and could not be completed on time.
So, a final date was set. 11th to the 13th Sept 2009.
We finally took off early at 4am on the 11th for Penang. The drive itself was uneventful.. as usual filled with hot aired banter in the car about the ones that got away. The Hilux was filled with ice boxes and other stuff. (useful car...)
We got to Penang island round about 1030 am after a rather long breakfast at Prai.. fried kuey teow, fish balls noodles among other stuff.
The boat was waiting for us when we arrived. A quick loading of our stuff plus a few ice boxes, and we were on our way.
We caught these...

Fishes on the deck of the boat

Ah Woo cleaning one of the fish for lunch (at a restaurant once we land)

Curry fish with the fish cleaned above

Dividing the loot back at USJ for the 9 fishermen
Overall, the trip was good except we had to moved a few times due to on coming commercial boats and those boats were a lot bigger than us! On one of the boat we saw some 20+ workers on board...!!
And on the final night, no fishing was possible due to a very heavy thunderstorm. Amid such sea condition, it was not wise to be outside...