Kudat Fish Market
While back in Kudat with the younger daughter, we went to the fish market just to check out what was available for sale. Kudat was a rather prominent sea port long time ago, and the port still plays a role in export and import of goods. It is not uncommon to see boats from the Philippines coming to unload live fishes which will then be kept in cages until they have reach certain more marketable size. In talking to the fish rearer, it would seem the live fishes were caught by divers among more heavily corralled areas.
Anyway, at the fish market, these were some of the fishes up for sale:
The brown fish was probably a kertang, a smallish giant grouper which unfortunately will never make it to its true potential size. The other fish is a 'angkoli', wrasse, a very edible corral fish, highly prized.
Wide array of fresh corral trouts, groupers and other type of fish.
This gentleman held up the rather pathetically dead baby shark for Josie who also gamely walked over and showed him this picture.
One of the more sad sight. A dead sail fish. This is supposedly a protected specie, but, I guess the fishing folks in Kudat do not know this.
A hammerhead shark minus it's fins. Notice how it has been sliced in two.
This has got to be the biggest barracuda I have ever seen. Must have been some 20kg. The guy who caught it along with all the other barras at the back ground said they went out in a small sampan, and when the fish is hooked up (using 25lbs hand lines), they will just let the fish drag the sampan along until it tires itself. After that they will just haul it up. According to him, there are even bigger ones!!