The flight over from KLIA LCCT was delayed by about 30 minutes, and when we finally landed at Tawau it was almost 9pm. A quick dash to the hotel to check in and dump our luggage and it was off to the 'in' spot for seafood dinner.
We dined on live mantis prawns (huge buggers!!), a still swimming sea wrasse, still swimming flower crabs and wild goat meat. All washed down by a nice bottle of wine.
The next day started with a delicious breakfast and meeting up with the Tawau. To our amazement, we were told we will be fishing with the Wasabi and Ruby teams of the famed Labuan International Fishing Competition! Those guys have been fishing as a team for many years, and have participated for 4 years straight in the Labuan competition, having emerged champion in 2006 and 3rd placing in 2007.
First item on the agenda was the discovery that we would be fishing in waters over 200m deep, and in some areas at depth exceeding 250m. Our small reels, with inadequate lines, were quickly respooled with 500m of 80lb Powerpro braid line. The Banax Kaigen that i brought along also did not have enough line...!!
The catch over the next 24 hours was not that many, but the company and food we enjoyed with the Wasabi team was simply tremendous.
The strangest fish caught was a baracouta; a deep sea fish the Wasabi guys called 'koong loong' or (dragon). It is a nasty beast that constantly and easily cuts our 100lbs mono leader with great impunity. When one was finally brought up, it was a massive beast with a huge head, and equally huge sharp teeth. And apparently, it leaves a very bad smell on your hands if you touches it. I did not touch it....

This has got to be the ugliest fish i have ever seen....
We stayed on a 'man made' island that has some fantastic diving spot; a resort called Roach Reef Resort, run by a Japanese guy who is quite localised to the Tawau ways of life. The distance from the resort to the 250m drop off is probably less than 500m away! Incredible.....
Will blog more later..