Deep Sea..err..not so good fishing

Well, the week end came and gone... and too put it simply, it was quite a wash out! It was pouring rain like the salt water of the sea needed some intense dilution or something... The two nights of wonderful and bountiful fishing we hoped for turned out to be nothing but stormy rain. We just could not stay outside the boat to man our fishing gears..All we could do was to hunker down, and try not to get sea sick by the high waves and strong wind.
we did catch some fish, although the total was quite embarrassing.. there were in total 10 of us fishing, and between us, we managed a total of less than 30 reasonably sized denizens of the depth. We ate a few of what we caught on board, and they were really good simply because they were so so fresh..
On the whole, the trip was not so good....