Fishing out of Port Kelang

Took a day off on Wednesday last week and went fishing. We departed from the Selangor Royal Yatch Club in a small, probably 12 foot long, fiber glass boat with a 30hp Johnson outboard engine. It was a small boat, and we could skim along the water quite fast.
By about 9am, we dropped lines and the action never stop after that.
We fished at different spots and finally came back to shore round about 7pm.
Final tally:
- 200+ gelamas
- 2 octopus (kuritas)
- 3 bulos
- 6 chocolates
- 1 stingray
- 1 crab
- lots of fun...
I could never have been able to take time off during the weekdays a few months ago; but business is doing OK, I have the people to take care of things at the office, so, I guess I deserve some time off nowadays....