Electric Fishing Reel

For some time now, I have been wanting to purchase an electric fishing reel. The thing about fishing in deep waters is that it is extremely tiring and taxing to crank up the line, with all of 1.5kg weight at the deep end, just to check whether there is still bait on the hook. It is not easy.
I have seen how an electric fishing reel works and the ease with which the fisho can bring up the fish, if any.
So, last week, five of us crazy fishos decided to each purchase this newly introduced reel.
The Banax Kaigen 500. It weighs in at about 650g, pulls up to 10kg drag. We all loaded up the reel with Spiderwire braid line of 65Lbs, maybe a bit overkilled, but should be able to pull out most fish.
Now, all we need to do is figure out how to make sense of the Korean English Manual... So far, it is not easy to understand what is stated on the instruction manual. After that, it is to find a suitable time and location to drop the line into the deep blue sea and wait for the big ones....
Surely, the next fishing trip will be quite a sight...