Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Fresh Water Prawn fishing

The fishing trip was a bit of a blur...
Day 1.
Tried going up a river for some fresh water prawn fishing, but did not know how to do it and also did not know where to do it. So, end the day with a big fat 'zero'
Day 2.
Went out to the sea.. Total haul for the day? A few smallish fishes, complete drenching from the waves and a tummy full of rambutans, longans and dukong.
Day 3.
Went out to sea only to find the waves taller than the boat! Beat a hasty retreat back to the river mouth. Since it was only 12pm, and we still have some 6 hours of rental on the boat, we decided to try fresh water prawn fishing again. This time, with a local boat man guiding us.
Managed to hook up some 20 prawns in total between 5 of us. They were delicious steamed.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Fishing, travelling and time

This weekend, after a rather long lull, will once again drop my now dried and dried braided line to water. This has been a trip rather long overdue. Will be going back to a place called Merchung, somewhere north of Rompin. My first trip to this place was way back in 1999 (or was it 2000?). That first trip was good fishing, very good fishing.
Since then, must have returned to fish there some 6-7 more times or more, but with diminishing return on each trip. It has been some 2 years since my last trip there, and, frankly, I am quite excited to be able to get there again.
By the time I get back on Sunday night, I would need to get ready to fly off to Denver the next monring at 930AM. I think the wife is not exactly thrilled......
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Music Lessons

The younger daughter started her Yamaha Music lesson this week. At Yamaha, for young tots, the parents would have to sit in thoroughout the whole lessons until the kids are about 2 years older! The wife is not exactly thrilled at the thought of going through this again since she had been through this with the elder daughter...
The elder girl will be taking her Grade 6 Royal Music exam this month...
It is official, the cost of educating the kids with music is costing the father two bombs now....